Mandala Yuen

(Mandala Park)

An artistic facility geometrically and abstractly representing the world of Tateyama Mandalas. Composed of four zones —“Hell,” “Path of the Sun,” “Heaven,” and “Path of Darkness”—it offers an experience of Tateyama Worship through art, sound, and light.


Enter a realm inspired by the hellish visions of Tateyama Mandalas, where the Needle Mountain of Hungry Ghosts and the Spirit Bridge confront you with the terrors of damnation. Deliberately constructed above ground rather than buried below, this space serves as a stark reminder that hell exists as the dark counterpart to our everyday world—separated by a boundary more permeable than we might wish to believe.

Path of the Sun

As you emerge from Hell, the Path of the Sun suddenly bathes you in light, marking your journey toward Heaven through nature’s embrace. Choose between two experiences: the Tateyama Pilgrimage Path, where you’ll simulate the sacred mountain ascent undertaken by spiritual seekers for centuries, or the Waterside Path, where birdsong and rustling leaves create a natural symphony that reconnects your spirit with Tateyama’s living landscape.


Emerging from the Path of the Sun, you ascend into the ethereal realm of Heaven. At its heart stands a majestic monument representing Mount Sumeru, the cosmic mountain from ancient Indian cosmology. Around you, Heaven unfolds through breathtaking artworks that transport you to the Pure Land—a paradise of perfect harmony where the spiritual and physical worlds merge in transcendent beauty.

SenmannayutaKUMAI, Kyoko
TenkaikutsuEnric Miralles
BikaionYONEBAYASHI, Yuichi

Path of Darkness

The Path of Darkness guides your transition from Heaven back to earthly reality, inspired by the Nunobashi Kanjoe ceremony depicted in Tateyama Mandalas. As you navigate this winding tunnel of darkness, your senses awaken—touch, hearing, smell, and intuition all intensify, creating a profoundly immersive experience that marks your return from the spiritual realm, forever changed by what you’ve witnessed.